Tuesday, June 17, 2008


karen and aL gave me a very unique gift last chrismas: an plush owl doll.
it was no ordinary doll, mind you, but with special background for it was handmade in tibet, sold at fair price store, and the biggie: it possesses magical powers. aah~ yes, the owl is supposed to bring LOVE.

of course, i'm not that superstitious, and every now and then i would get the question from them "have you found love yet?"
"no" would be my reply, "your owl is not working"
"maybe we need to give you a dozen of them"

but later, somehow, some things and thoughts slowly changed, and instead, my response for the owl was switched from not working -> slightly working but very weak
gradually, i guess the owl charged its batteries, gained the right momentum, bet on the right tables, and yes, i have now found my love

i gotta say though, the owl still needs a bit more push, because it's connecting 2 people that are too far away from each other. regardless, i pet the owl when i go back to my parents house

i'm absolutely grateful that i've found a (relatively) similar guy who's trully caring and fun.
and i'm so thankful it has already been a month.

and i miss you...
maybe i should get a biger owl


Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww sounds so sweet and lovey-dovey! congrats to you on finding something special =)

9:02 AM  
Blogger Griselda said...

aww, yay. Porque no me dijiste nada hoy??



9:08 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I need that Owl...

6:20 PM  
Blogger nongi said...

thank you girls!

and yes, i do plan to send an owl to you, yui.

12:21 AM  

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