Thursday, September 02, 2004

reason why...

ok, i did this blog the other way around...
i think i'm supposed to talk or at least give a reason why i wanted to start the blog first, instead of jumpin into my thailand trip, and end up w/my sad comments bout poor elephants...

oh well, i can sometimes be very impulsive

ahora, emezemos otra vez. decidi finalmente en escribir este blog porque nunca tuve la costumbre de escribir diario personal, trato de acordar cosas usando my cabeza. but the sad thing is, my brain's not workin very well... pple who know me know that i'm searchin for a new brain, mi bocha me re falla...

antes usaba agendas, me acuerdo eso era en secundaria. todos los anios compraria una agenda nueva, completamente distinta a la anterior. y siempre lo decoraba bien bonita, con stickers, papeles, cositas, y estaba siempre perfumada (de los samples q me los agarraba de las farmacias) then... little by little, i got lazy

that's other point that my friends should have already known. i'm quite lazy. i can be VERY lazy when i can't find the purpose or motivation of doing things... and when i'm really into somethin, i would use 80% of my energy to do it. hahahaha. what were u expectin? 110%? apppfffttttt
that is for athlets lah! and i dun like sports at all!

back to the topic. why blog? well, then i thought since i missed, oh no, better say, i forgot most of my past (sounds like amnesia, huh? btw, thanx mark! my live-dictionary), i dun want to miss anythin else. actually, i don't keep my hopes too high for this one either lah... we'll see how long it'll last.

i gotta mention somethin first. this is MY BLOG, so i'll write is as I wanted. if you readers cannot understand what the hell i'm writin, then sorry, i cannot do anythin 'n i dun care. i write/type as i think. and my thoughts are very... random, so... yeah... wateva. have a little chat w/me in person and you'll realize that i talk randomly too.... hahaha (ok, this does NOT sound like a college student, poor my parents who are affording my tuition... sorry >__<)

i guess i should introduce my self a little bit?

ok, i'm a very normal, common, zero-original grl. born in a normal tw family, in taipei city (a place that i luv and hate at the same time). got a sis and a bro, both really old, so i was and still am their toy ever since little. no, i'm not the pet of the house, i'm the TOY. pple don't drag their pets along the house by their legs, pets are not thrown to the bed.
so yeah, then i went to argentina for a couple years. spent my youth there, quite fun, met a lot of nice and good pple who i still keep in contact. spanish can be my second language, i guess... that's why you can find some parts in spanish in this blog. i like spanish, it's cooool. i'm the only one in my familiy who can make the R sound. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr~~~~~~~~~~~~

bueno, entonces disfrute la mayoria de mi tiempo en argentina. si me dan la oportunidad de cambiar mi vida, no cambiaria nada, posta. todo lo q paso en arg fue una experiencia maravillosa, y me siento super afortunada de tener la oportunidad de conocer toda esta gente q conoci, y de mandar todas esas cagadas y pavadas en mi vida. muchas cosas pasaron alla, y recuerdo cada uno de ellos con sonrisa en mi cara. ^___^

pero arg nunca fue mi lugar, creo... tenia casa y familia ahi, tenia todos mis amigos ahi, pero de vez en cuando me sentia un poco sola, como q no pertenezco al lugar. aunque hablo el idioma, tengo el acento portenio y todo, aunque conozco la cultura arg y me siento comoda, siempre senti q hay otro lugar en q me sentiria... 'home'. i would go back to tw and feel out of place, but when i'm in arg i feel nostalgic. ironic.

then i went to LA for a year. studied in a community college there, called mt. SAC, funny name in a funny city called walnut (hey, nat 'n i find it funny). but then i wanted to move somewhere else coz LA was too hot for me, dry and hot, and i didn't have a car, and not many friends there (no vos lah, daniel). SO, i chose seattle. why seattle? dunno... hear that it was nice once, heard that uw is a very pretty campus once, and somehow, got sticked w/the idea that "i want to go to uw, i want to go to seattle".

maybe this is the so-called fate pah...
i'm happy that i chose seattle. if you give me the chance to turn back time, i still won't change a thing. uw is wonderful, expensive, but wonderful. pple there are amazin as well. i really like it

so yup, i'm studyin business in uw, livin in a shared house w/very funny roommates, and hangin out w/nice friends. what else can i wish for?

oh yeah... a bf would be the perfect touch! hahahaha. someone like orlando bloom would be even better! if orlando is too hard, then i won't mind jerry from F4 lah~ (drool...). i found out the other day, that i'm the LAST person out from ALL my groups of friend to have a bf. sad~
the LAST.

one of my best friends in tw got married last year, she's livin a happy ever after w/her hubby. and yesterday, i heard that my other friend just gave birth to a little boy. and my other friend is plannin a trip w/her stable bf, and my other friend is doin quite good w/her dunno how many year relationship, and my housemate is very stable w/his LDR, and... and... and... so many cases, and i'm in NONE of 'em

q mierda es esto?! posta... para agarrar de los pelos. pido tanto? no ah! nunca senti q pido demasiado... aunque una vez hice una lista de las cosas q espero de un chico, y la lista duro como 1 pagina entera, pero eso era un chiste! ay... sera q leo demasado comics? y estoy siempre esperando mi principe azul? pero no ah! se q la realidad es totalmente distinto al mundo rosa, tonces??? mi vida misteriosa... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

wateva. q venga lo q venga. dun care now.

and now i realize, wait, i'm far away from my original title... i really type what comes to my mind leh!

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Blogger Sparky said...

Haha random and impulsive... definitely the correct way to describe u :P


11:44 PM  

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