Monday, November 20, 2006

One year

and finally, this date has arrived.

happy f*cking 1 year annyversary.
yup, i can't belive i left seattle for one full year now.

a year ago, i was happily surrounded by great company but had to say goodbye to them in tears. 6 months ago, i wrote an entry about my semi-annyversary, wondering about the whereabouts of my future and my personal plans. and now, this one year window allows me to make some comments and reflections.

many things can happen in 1 year, 12 months, 52 weeks and 365 days. shifts in culture, environment, people, personality, habits. subtle professional, mental, and of course, personal growth.
all these changes, like everything else in life, can be weighted from their pros and cons. in my case, i regret coming back to taiwan. i've wondered too many times all the "what-ifs" that's it's almost driving me insane. i love seattle, i miss seattle, i wanna go back, now.
but on the brighter side, i wouldn't have noticed the things that i took for granted unless i had lost them. if i hadn't come back, i wouldn't have known the importance of the things that i left behind, i wouldn't have gotten my job, wouldn't have understood the shitty situation in tw, which wouldn't have helped me in determining what i really want for myself in the future.

1 year down, and a few more years to go.
i'm patient... i'm patient... i can wait... (constant brainwashing myself)

can't help but remember the 2000 f*ucking 8?! hahahahaha~ >___<

happy stupid depressing annyversary to myself =____=



Anonymous Anonymous said...

(hugs) (hugs) (hugs)

i think what you said about personal growth and learning about the things taken for granted is something you should celebrate and be happy about :P personal growth, and clarity is always good regardless of the tough and shitty challenges you went through.... so cheer up, babe.

but yeah.... hahahahaha fuckin 2008! it's soooo long!! hah! let's speed it up okay? muah :P

7:05 PM  
Blogger Griselda said...

Suerte con eso!!
Yo se que podes esperar, como en la secu cuando lo unico que querias era egresar e ir a EEUU.

Mucha paciencia, y ya que estas, divertite como veo que estas haciendo!



10:54 PM  

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