Sunday, December 23, 2007

yogi wannabe

Let's start today's session with a deep breath and an "OM" when exhale.

The story begins that I got a 1 free yoga pass from the purchase of my new fav coat that I got during the sales. It is from this very chic boutique yoga studio near my office called Space Yoga. I checked for their classes and finally decided to redeem it for a hot yoga class, since I've been hearing quite a few good words about it.

And that place has all the rights to call itself a boutique yoga studio! From the moment I stepped on their floor, every part of the room was placed with zen-ish decors: candles, yoga posters, warm dim lights, hot herbal tea, pillows, and more candles. Since the studio is located on the 16 floor, it has one of the most amazing views of the city, and their managers knew how to take the best advantage of the view, making sure that all their classrooms and even the lounge has large windows. The tea they served, was a very unique herb tea; unsweetened yet it had a very sweet aftertaste. Very very nice, would be excellent if they didn't serve it that hot and in those shot glasses.

So the actual yoga class started at 830pm, and all the needed equipments were set for me. Entering a hot yoga classrom wasn't as bad as I've thought, I think the temperature was set around 36-38 that day, so it was bearable. But when we started the class, my sweat glans expanded within seconds and I just couldn't stop sweating from there on. Could see from the mirror that my entire t-shit was drenched and could feel that sweat continued to drip from the sides of my face. Our movements were slow, but required a lot of focus and strength from our core; I almost ran out of watter when the class wasn't even half way through! I was tired, my body was tired and shaking, but it felt quite good at the same time, knowing that you're doing something healthy (?) to yourself. I was doing ok until I checked the time, 50 min passed, 1 hr passed and we weren't doing cooldown yet. The class was 1.5hr long and no one warned me! Soon my head started to get dizzy, and felt a bit sick from too much yoga.

Anyway, despite the length of the class, I did enjoyed it, altho painfully. With all the scandal that has forced my gym to close and put me out of workout for 1 month, I don't mind becoming a yogi. Aaah~ yogi sounds so sophisticated and "Mario/Star Wars" like. I Nong the yogi, me like. ^__^

Hope they can cancel my gym membership so I can "consider" taking yoga instead (these classes are not cheap at all!). In the meantime, I'll just be workoutless, bum at home and feed my ever enlarging roll of fat around my abdominal area. You gotta store some fat for the winter, eh?

Happy Holidays & Namaste~~~
(hehehe, always wanted to say that)

Saturday, December 15, 2007

I'd have butt crack on my face if only I know how to

Date: Saturday, Dec. 15, 2008.
Daily itinerary: None.
Tasks accomplished: None.
Status: Bored.
Productivity: 25%

Today, Saturday Dec 15, after several weeks of running around, going to classes, preparation, study, and panic, I'm finally getting some time off to relax.
Woke up 830am, very early for a lazy Saturday WITH help from the alarm nevertheless (haha), grabbed some quick bites for breakfast, and headed to the dentist's for some walk-in teeth check-up. Unfortunately, the doc was completely booked. And here's something that I don't understand about dentists or any clinic in Taiwan. No matter what time or which day you go, it's ALWAYS full. There are hundreds and thousands of clinics in Taipei city alone, but why are they still full 24-7? Do we have so many patients in Taipei?
Oh, just in case you're wondering, I don't schedule any more appointments with the dentist because somehow, I never make to those appointments. So I thought I might have a better chance by walking-in.

Anyway, so dentist was cancelled from my plan, and as I was walking back home, my head started clearing out my next appointment, and, nothing came up, I had nothing else left to do!
No books for today (or the weekend), no classes to attend, no group study sessions either. I have longed for some laid back weekend for months, and now that I have it, I don't know how to spend this free time. Very unusual syndrome. Generally I'm delighted to have plenty of time to burn and waste it on useless/unproductive things, but it wasn't the case today.

So I wandered to the comic book store, but came back pretty early coz I needed to pee after drinking my large boba, and vegged in front of the tv ever since. Super lethargic and damn bored. Thought about night market shopping but was too lazy to wear a jacket and walk to the streets.

Oh God... What a pathetic life. Shouldn't my life be filled with excitement at this age? (*frown*)

If happy thoughts will unconsciously change the person's life by making it better and happier, then my thinking of pathetic thoughs would make my life sadder and more pathetic? What comes first, the chicken or the egg? (*double frown*)

9:35pm now. No more fluff booking coz I my constant petting on my cranky wallaby won't make it happier or faster, and I feel absolutely cheated by the fluff race system. I can't open this movie that I wanted to watch (Real Player truly sucks), so I guess I'll have to toast that Suntory cocktail to the empty air. (*triple frown*)