Thursday, November 24, 2005

an almost dieded day...

another day of unproductiveness
actually, it was planned to be semi-productive, but in the end, stuffs showed up. i was forced to clean the room, but i still don't know how to manage and store all the little things that i have. 5 of the boxes that i sent out before are already here (yay~ quite fast!!! now i can have my stereo again!), therefore, there are quire a few things to be placed in a nice area
but i have no shelfs
and i have no drawers
the dresser that's in the room is pretty much full already, sad
so now there are a lot of clothes on my bed, which later will be randomly thrown into the closet
apffftttt, i dun care

later in the afternoon, my mom took me to the dentist, since i haven't checked my teeth for a long while. my mom never told me where the place is, so i just blindly followed her. we walked into an normal apartment, where my aunt lives, and i thought that we were visiting my aunt first before the dentist.
however, we stopped on the 2nd floor and walked into an apartment. it was a place that i've never been before. when i looked in, i almost shouted when i saw 2 dentist chairs in a tiny room.
this is not right... absolutely not right...
very skeptically, i stepped into the place, and yes, i saw this dentist-like guy talking to a couple bout some teeth stuff, and i started getting really scared
i looked at my mom, yet she seemed very relaxed, just standing there, and looking around the place, as if nothing. la la lah~~~
so then, the dentist-like guy made me sit on that dentist chair. i looked around the room, trying to make myself feel better by seeing any proof that shows he's a decent dentist but --nope. zero. nada. there was none of those certificates that any dentist would gladly frame and put it on a wall to show that he's spent a few years working his ass off.
the machines that were used were not in their best condition ever. i wonder if they were purchased 2nd handed or something, coz seriously, i could see some rust on many of the equipments, and there weren't enough sterilizing devices, and the water that was provided smelled rusty too...
this is just NOT happenning...
but it did
the initial reason for dentist was that i wanted to check on my wisdom tooth, and maybe taking it out. but after seeing all this, or better say, after seeing no proof of proficiency, i decided to change my mind. so when the dentist asked why i was there, i just said that i needed some regular check-up. there's no way i would let this guy touch me with needles!
still, i was not able to escape the cruelty of cavities... ~___~
so i was forced to sit there and let the guy drill my tooth with some not very sanitary tools, i was very very nervous at the time.
the overall procedure was ok. i'm relieved that so far, the tooth that got drilled feels ok. i dun want to criticize anything, but, when it comes to treating a patient, any type of patient, shouldn't the person have some type of proof to show that they are legal to exercise medicine??
... scary...

then after fixing my tooth, i went out for a walk, to the comic store. and i almost got killed by a cab. i remember i was looking around, checking out stores that are around the area, and suddenly, i felt this cab drove by, VERY close to me. i could feel the wind
again, scary...

then then, my mom and i went to check on some hot water dispenser. we took the scooter out and when we were riding pass through a bus, 2 kids suddenly ran across in front of us. the situation was really close. my mom slipped from her seat coz of the sudden break and we were on a downhill, the bus stopped as well because the situation was dangerous, and the 2 kids were sandwiched between my mom's bike on their front, and by the giant bus right next to their sides.

i can't imagine if the situation goes out of control... it would be disastrous >__<
maybe even grosesome...
go! another unproductive and scary day in tw!!


Wednesday, November 23, 2005


i've been back to tw for 3 days now. to be honest, i'm not liking this at all...
i have nothing to do at home, except for searching and applying to jobs (which i do), but then, other than that, while i'm waiting for companies' replies, i have nothing to do
104 is supposed to be a good site to search for jobs, but so far, the ones that i've applied never answered me. sux
the conventional paper search is still better, i think. the advertisement that they post on the papers are quite interesting, and the way that i selct the ones to pay attention to is... i think quite funny too. i simply won't bother to look one by one, but i'll just go and see who has the biggest block on the paper, and start reading from there. big ad = big money = big co.
yes, big ad would be the best.

today i had the weirdest-gayest interview ever. first, i was given a logic test, the first 3 questions were simple and the 4th one asked me to split a watermelon into 27 pieces. i was drawing and doodling all over the freaking paper, and still didn't get the right answer in the end. well, i came up with a weird idea of how to make it into 27 pieces, but it was not the way it's supposed to be. anyway, that logic test took me a total of 30+min. 30+min for a 5 question test!!!
... i have no logic. all those logic classes that i've taken are useless!!!
after the gay logic test, i had to translate a short englsh document to chinese. of course, they game me the original document and a couple sheets of paper.

now, a new problem arises~~~~~
there are words in chinese that i dun remember how to write!!!! >__<
i mean, i know how they look like and stuff, i just can't remember out from my head.
so, i went to the lady and ask for a ------ dictionary
the lady was surprised at first, she thought i was asking for a eng-chin one, which would be cheating and ruining the purpose of the test. but when i asked her for a simple chinese one, she was shocked. hahahahahaha~~~
i think i'm the first one to ask for a dictionary during a translation test! YAY!

anyway, the whole interview was just... weird... the position that they offered me was different than the one i originally applied for (liars!). i completely lost my interest in this co.
so yeah... great way to start my interview process in tw!

however, on my way to the interview, there were some things that made my commute interesting. first of all, i realized that the MRT was moving quieter more than ever! hm.... maybe it's my own impression... but i felt that it was really quiet.
i'm definitely sure that i can hear better on the MRT than on I-5. I-5 is damn crappy and loud...
and then, i saw this huge statue sitting outside a door, in a small alley. the alley cannot fit more than 1 car at a time, but for some reason, this big-ass statue (almost the size of the uw washington statue) was right there, next to a door. i wonder if i'll see it there tmr when i take the train again.

Thursday, November 17, 2005


忘了是從哪聽來的 但有一句話深深印在我腦海 讓我對人生的看法完全改觀
' 會讓我恐懼的並不是死亡的事實 而是死時 得拋下一生所愛的一切
不敢面對割離 害怕有太多不捨...'

4年前 在阿根廷的死黨們紛紛從阿國搬離 各自尋找屬於自己的人生的目標 有的回台就讀 有的打拼一片天下
我也是在那時決定留美讀大學 帶著小小不安 來到毫無友人的地方 計畫屬於我一人的未來
很巧合的 我選擇來到西雅圖
很緊張的 慢慢認識熟悉這裡的人事物
很慶幸的 發現這是我一生中做過最好的決定

難忘的事 我看能寫一大張吧!
從新生訓練起 就有好多好多有趣的朋友跟和他們一起分享的回憶
不想寫出來 只因要花上幾天的時間 而未免能寫完
不想寫出來 只因想獨自收藏

不敢寫出來 只因會讓我傷感

說不會想念是不可能的 叫我怎能捨的下呢?
從未想過我能瀟灑的離開 但在這所發生的種種 一切的一切 讓我更難跟大家說聲再見

再說 下一次見面會是何時又是個未知數

這裡所認識的 都能算是被家人"拋棄在大學裡" 的異國寶寶
沒家人在旁作伴 在不熟悉的環境裡奮鬥 認了要扛起責任
就這樣 半自力更生的熬過 磨練 朔造了大家獨立的堅強個性
可能是這樣 可能是我們都住在異鄉 緣分把我們大家拉近 從見面點頭到無話不說的知心好友
一有好事大家一起分享 慶祝
遇到難題 會互相幫忙想辦法
隨時隨地 都會惦掛著死黨 幫他們加油 大家一起共勉勵

但 是時候跟大家分離了
已經面臨到社會殘酷的地步 要完全自力更生 自己賺錢養自己時了
但願下次見面時 我們每人都有所成就
誰知道... 說不定也建立自己的家庭了
希望那時 我們在相聚

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