Wednesday, December 27, 2006

so, this is what we received in our company email yesterday:


my immediate reaction to this: damn it damn it damn it!!!
i'm so gonna die of boredom or depression at work. if any of you sense that i'm developing any strange behavior or violent attitude, it's ok. it's normal. just... shoot me an email or simply, shoot me. i'll be welcoming either option with open arms.

funny thing is... if we have any of those programs open, pple WILL contact us, unless we set ourselves offline. and if we do set the status offline, how will our clients or overseas offices know that we're even online? and how would they contact us under those occations?

but then... it's not that taking away msn or skype from work bothers me, since yeah, it can get distracting at times (hehehe. in my case, anytime! LOL). i guess it's the idea of taking something away that you used to have/do that bothers me. it can happen with anything, not just chat programs. afterall, the "used to have it" easily turns into "used to having it". and now the fact of NOT having it disturbs me quite badly.

maybe i should start a petition to the web/tech center, and tell them to block any download of chat programs in our computers. then we can all stop doing this shitty trade once and for all. LOL.
(someone teach me how to start a petition, plz~)


Friday, December 15, 2006

heh, kinda hard not having this song ring in my head right now

孫燕姿 - 雨天
該怎麼走 我卻只想回頭
除了你給的傘 我再也沒有 別的藉口
你能體諒我有雨天 偶爾膽怯你都了解
過去那些 大雨落下的瞬間 我突然發現
誰能體諒我的雨天 所以情願回你身邊
此刻腳步會慢一些 如此堅決
牽手和分手來自同一雙手 作回朋友 我卻悔恨不懂挽留
你能體諒我有雨天 偶爾膽怯你都了解
過去那些 大雨落下的瞬間 我突然發現
誰能體諒我的雨天 所以情願回你身邊
此刻腳步會慢一些 如此堅決 你卻越來越遠
是否太晚 路已走遠 我的眼眶淚太滿 走不回你身邊
actually... too many songs and their wonderful lyrics spinning 'round my head. probably i'll post other songs later, whatever's suits my mood at that time. maybe. we'll see.


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

linear relationships

on a random conversation about relationships, a friend was telling me about the situation he has with a grl and his view about it. he discribed themselves as 2 parallel lines, one next to the other, having similar thoughts like the other, extending at relatively similar speed, and was always by each other's side. however, as we can all recall from geometry back in high school, parallel lines will always, well, be parallel. and that's how my friend sees himself and this girl: because they were parallel lines, although they care about each other, and had a more-than-just-friends connection, due to their "inherent properties", these 2 lines will never come across to a point. they will continue being their parallel lines and my friend sees no chance that anything will ever happen between them.

that is a very interesting way to see relationships in my opinion.

so after developing this "theorem" further, here's how i see the whole linear relationship issue. (ps. i suck at math, so bear with me)
1) if seeing people as lines and the relationships of the person as the course of the lines, then yes, parallel lines will never cross each other, and they will always be parallel to each other.
2) the course of the lines (the path, the slope of the line) represents the thinking of the person
3) if the lines are not parallel, it means that these points will eventually meet at a point. then the point, in this case, can be interpreted as the chemistry between these people, or the official relationship.

now the problem doesn't end here, because based on what i remember from math, once the lines cross each other, meet at a point, the lines don't stop at that intersection...
4) the lines actually continue their path. and, according to geometry, the paths they take after the intersection is towards the opposite direction. therefore, translating this into relationship context, it would represent the the end of the relationship, and their path that they take after the breakup
5) and these lines will continue their path untill they come across another line, another line not parallel to them, and meet at another point further down the plane. and repeat the previous steps

soooooo, here's what i've been thinking.
- when referring to parallel relationships, it's good that you have a constant person by your side and giving your support. i see the level of support given as the distance between those parallels. if so, is it possible that the care these people offer to each other gets so intense, enough to pull them together, for those 2 parallel lines to be so close to each other that eventually, they join and become one single line, extending till infinity?
fine, that's almost impossible. 1 line can never be 2 lines. hahaha~

-regarding non parallel lines, if they are all extending at a constant speed, does it mean that
it takes more time for more parallel lines to meet at a point than those who are less parallel? really. 2 lines with steeper slopes, and 2 lines with more horizontal slopes. steeper sloped ones take longer to meet at a point. in that case, even if there is such chemistry, it'll take longer for people who think alike to end up together.
(hm... ~___~lll)

-people who think differently hence produce higher "interests" that attract the opposite?
ok, so they attract each other, they meet at an ealier point. but when it comes to their relationship AFTER the breakup, they also tend to take absolutely opposite directions from the other?
ok, this can actually make some sense.

-one last question. is there anything in life that can make a line change its tragectory? make the lines join at a point, merge, and from there on, continue their paths in a single line.
so far, i haven't heard of such formula.
maybe it exists, it's just that i haven't taken the upper level math yet.

this is too confusing. i'm confused.
that's all for nono's math 101. class dismissed.
i have office hours 24-7, you only need to step into the office with some coffee, deal?
