so i had my first week of job.
to tell the truth, i'm still not sure what my job description are. been there for one whole week, and i'm still blur bout the duties within my team.
the first day of work was doing nothing except for some research about our organization and my sector. but i mean... how long can that entertain a person right?
i did my best surfing all sites related to my job, entered every link that i found relevant, and still that could not satisfy my boredom.
not doing anything and space out at work may be fun, but it's not right. not for my career advancement within my team, not to mention within the company. and i did ask for things to do, but... either we really are in a low season or i'm not competent enough to do whatever they were doing.
i was sitting in my cubicle, facing a quite bare desk (except for my blackie II and some random plant), and spinning my chair around to see what others were up to. i didn't dare to ask or talk to anyone, afraid that they might be busy doing some cases. first day's lunch was a great treat but they don't happen everyday and since then, i had miserable lunches by myself. after lunch break was over, things wouldn't get better anyway coz i was back to my "busy" job staring at some emptyness, feeling empty and alone as well (although i was with some other 200 people around me), waiting for the time to come to swipe my card and go back.
and so i felt really miserable for the first 3 days.
then it struck me. things won't get better if i don't change my attitude, relationships and interactions need to start from somewhere; either i start being more active or i'll sit in that cubicle with my sorry-ass- face waiting to be fired. shy is not really on the description list about me, so why should i let it happen now?
the new attitude changed my mood almost instantly. i was happy to realize how retarded i've been, and the next day i went to work with a better, a more possitive attitude.
i guess other people also saw that i was a bit lonely, so they asked me to lunch and i started to have more conversations with others.
5:30pm is still what i look forward to, but at least now i feel i've made some improvements with my job, co-workers and myself. although i'm still extremely blur bout what to do at work and have zero idea on how to write an official document, i'm happier now. i got a new small task at work and can't wait for it to be finished this upcoming week.
damn... be positive really works!
Labels: thoughts